Stay Safe with Water Mist Systems
- April 22, 2024
What is Water mist?
Small water droplets make up water mist. Fire suppression with water mist is a result of evaporation: tiny water mist droplets absorb a great deal of energy from a fire when they turn into vapor. For this reason, water mist is a good fire suppression option.
Suitable for multiple classes of fire.
Water mist fire systems have proven to be highly effective across various applications, showcasing their ability to extinguish Class A, B, and K fires. They have been employed in extinguishing Class A fires, such as those involving furniture, paper, and cables commonly found in office buildings, archives, and heritage properties. Additionally, they have been utilized for extinguishing Class B fires, which involve fuel and lubricants, including both spray and pool fires in machinery spaces of steam or gas turbines, diesel generator rooms, outdoor and indoor oil-cooled transformers, and compressor stations. It is important to note that pouring water on burning oil or fuel may result in the fire spreading, as oil tends to float on water due to the notably smaller droplet sizes produced by these systems.
Advantages of water mist system
Efficient Fire Suppression: Water mist systems use significantly less water compared to traditional sprinkler systems. The fine mist created by these systems quickly absorbs heat and cools the surrounding area, extinguishing fire or suppressing its growth effectively.

Ensuring Occupant Safety: Water mist systems are deemed safe for occupants due to their ability to decrease the likelihood of scalding and injuries caused by steam, which are common concerns associated with traditional sprinkler systems.
Quick Activation: Water mist systems can be designed for rapid activation, providing a swift response to a fire emergency.
Lower Total Cost of Ownership: Water mist system requires a higher initial cost than a conventional system but if we take into account the superior durability and lower maintenance costs & no chemicals are to be added while using machine Water and no extra cost.
No Climate Impact: water is environment friendly and in the water mist system we use pure water & break it into small particles, also it uses less water than other system
Effective for Different Types of Fires: Water mist systems are versatile and can be used to combat various types of fires, including Class A (ordinary combustibles), Class B (flammable liquids) also for K class.
Application of Water mist system:
Commercial Buildings: Water mist systems are often used in commercial buildings, such as offices, hotels, and shopping malls, to protect occupants and property in the event of a fire.
Marine and Offshore Installations: Water mist systems are used on ships, offshore platforms, and other marine vessels to protect against fires in confined spaces where traditional firefighting methods may be challenging.
Historical/Cultural Heritage, Museums Buildings: Water mist fire suppression systems are used in a wide variety of applications that contain high-value assets, including museums, vaults, heritage buildings, churches, and art galleries. In each of these settings, it’s vital that fire suppression systems do not damage the structures or contents.
Data Centers: Water mist systems are ideal for protecting data centers and server rooms, where water damage could result in significant financial losses. The fine mist can suppress fires without causing damage to sensitive electronic equipment.
Aircraft and Aerospace Industry: Water mist systems are used in aircraft hangars and aerospace facilities to protect against fires involving aircraft and related equipment.
Residential Buildings: Water mist systems can also be used in residential buildings, especially in high-rise structures, to provide additional fire protection for occupants.