What To Do If Your Car Catches Fire?
- December 14, 2021
Car fire accidents are one of the most common yet ignored aspects of owning a car. If you think about purchasing a car you should be knowledgeable enough about car fire safety so that you can take prompt action if necessary. That means you need to understand and identify the cause of the fire so...
Correct Fire Fighting Equipment for Factory & Manufacturing Units
- July 27, 2021
It does not matter what kind of Work goes on a factory floor to maintain Fire Safety companies need to keep Fire Fighting Equipment for Factory. The extinguishers are one of the most vital safety equipment that all the staff should know how to operate the fire extinguishers in an emergency. When a fire is...
Kanex Fire Extinguishers
- December 07, 2020
There are many unforeseen happenings in our lives over which we have no control. Whether it is in our homes or offices or anywhere around society, unfortunate accidents keep occurring that cost big in terms of human lives as well as money. We build our homes and offices with much love, sweat, and hopes of...